Logical and intelligent debate is always good. Meanspirited and hateful posts against JWs serve only to alienate.
Justitia Themis
JoinedPosts by Justitia Themis
by SickofLies inthe onion .
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i say, let the good lord do the suffering for you," she said.
Justitia Themis
The article has been altered. Here is the link to the original article.
Circuit Overseer Explains How The Internet Is A Trap!
by minimus inmy mother told me that the co gave a talk on how a spider spins his web and it can take a very long time for the web to be made but just like that--- before you know it---it can catch its prey and devour it.
it's the same with the world wide web, the internet.
there are reports, according to the co, that in new york, a very prominent "anointed" man was disfellowshipped and he has his owm website where he has answered many jws questions.
Justitia Themis
Anyway, I'd like to point out that several hundred years ago, they could have said the same thing about those nasty new devices they called "books", with their pages that go flip, flip and the glue that binds the Satanic pages together, and the hard cover that protects the Satanic words inside. Evil... Evil I tell you!
Interesting observation. Religious leaders DID despise that nasty new device called the Gutenberg Press. And, it lead to the Reformation. Could it be that the internet is leading to yet another Reformation?
New System Questions
by sandy inok, so the new system is just around the corner, right?
if you mary your deceased best friend's fiance what happens when the three of you meet up again in the new system?
i mean i know the reasoning that the dead will be resurrected to perfection and will feel no more physical pain but what about the emotional pain?
Justitia Themis
Promised follow-up to the Mormon question: Apparently, you can be re-married if you are divorced or widowed. No wants to talk about who gets her in the afterlife. Perhaps a re-married woman is considered something like a concubine. Or, perhaps they consider it earthly brother-in-law marriage. I don't know! My hope is the SusanHere will come back and answer that for us.
My info was dated, as I lived in Utah from the mid-70s to 1980. They are similar to JWs in that their beliefs change; they get "new revelations" too. When I lived there, the Feds were going to sanction them because they didn't allow black men into the priesthood. (Elders and on up the food chain are priests.) They felt that blacks were descendants of Cush, and were therefore cursed and unworthy. The Prophet received a message from god just days in advance of the sanction. Now, black men can be priests.
Since I haven't been there for 20 years, I am sure some things have changed. Again, SusanHere will hopefully enlighten us.
Are Circuit Overseers Getting Discouraged?
by metatron ina sister i know went out with the c.o.
's wife in service recently.
sister c.o.
Justitia Themis
No problem Yesidid. Such experiences SHOULD evoke strong reactions. I do not agree with how other COs have been treated, and I do not know who he was friends with to get such a deal. Trojan's response made perfect sense to me, both situations are plausible. However, I was under the misconceptions that this was standard operating procedure; clearly it is not.
While COs do not mean anything to me personally ( I doubt there is one on the face of the earth that remembers my name despite 35 years of service), I do think they, and their wives, are due care after devoting a lifetime to the 'cause.' I feel the Society's position is too "Go and be well fed."
Sending all the JWs all alone on a big island.
by greendawn ini sometimes wonder wouldn't it be a good idea to gather all jws in the world on a large island somewhere isolated in the midst of the earth's oceans and confine them there so that their desire to be separate from the world will be fulfilled?
the world will also be spared being pestered by the fake gospel they preach and no more ppl will be victimised by this cult.
finally, the dubs there all alone will be able to build up their own society without interference from outside and we would then see how suited they really are for a new righteous world.
Justitia Themis
I was thinking more like Afghanistan under the Taliban. Elders driving around in Toyota pick-ups, beating sisters who dared show some ankle underneath their burkahs, and "marrying" 12 year old girls.
New System Questions
by sandy inok, so the new system is just around the corner, right?
if you mary your deceased best friend's fiance what happens when the three of you meet up again in the new system?
i mean i know the reasoning that the dead will be resurrected to perfection and will feel no more physical pain but what about the emotional pain?
Justitia Themis
Wow, I can't believe I didn't remember this until now. A pioneer sister in our congregation came back from an extended visit to relatives in Juno, Alaska. She is on a bible study up there with another long-time pioneer sister, and they are discussing the resurrection/marriage issue. The Juno pioneer sister tells the study that resurrected persons will be gender neutral and will not be interested in sex or marriage. The pioneer from our congregation corrected on the spot.
Has anyone heard of this "reasoning" before? Where would this woman get such an idea?
New System Questions
by sandy inok, so the new system is just around the corner, right?
if you mary your deceased best friend's fiance what happens when the three of you meet up again in the new system?
i mean i know the reasoning that the dead will be resurrected to perfection and will feel no more physical pain but what about the emotional pain?
Justitia Themis
I trust you are referring to the FIRST "Stepford Wives." I think the second ruined the premise by trying to introduce humor.
Gee, I can't wait to have my brain wiped clean! :)
New System Questions
by sandy inok, so the new system is just around the corner, right?
if you mary your deceased best friend's fiance what happens when the three of you meet up again in the new system?
i mean i know the reasoning that the dead will be resurrected to perfection and will feel no more physical pain but what about the emotional pain?
Justitia Themis
That's why the society will not definitively write that resurrected persons will not marry. Jesus said they wouldn't be married; he didn't say the couldn't be married. IF, you use the society's reasoning, the vast majority of persons on the earth will be resurrected persons. If they can not be married, then Satan won!
Satan will have thwarted Jehovah's original purpose: married couples reproducing. Another example of going way beyond what is written.
New System Questions
by sandy inok, so the new system is just around the corner, right?
if you mary your deceased best friend's fiance what happens when the three of you meet up again in the new system?
i mean i know the reasoning that the dead will be resurrected to perfection and will feel no more physical pain but what about the emotional pain?
Justitia Themis
SusanHere: I was thinking (as usual) and now I'm confused. It is my understanding that when you marry in the temple it is "forever and an eternity." So, who gets her in the celestial worldd? Husband number 1? Or husband number 2?